The story of the dream catcher, although different depending on which tribe you come from, all have similarities. Basically the dream catchers are meant to protect the sleeper's dreams. Bad dreams are trapped in the web and good dreams pass through the hole in the center of the web, flowing down the feather to them while they are asleep. In the light of the day the bad dreams are purged from the web. They were used by mothers for development and protection of children. While wrapped, the child's eyes followed the dream catcher as it swayed, strengthening them and it warded off evil while strapped out of sight on its mother's back as she worked. Later, when the hands were unwrapped, the hand-eye coordination developed. Finally the only place the child was out of sight was when the child slept. It was then hung over the sleeper's bed
This is a daily blog about my life that is completely boring and not exciting at all. A place where I can vent my feelings and may be able to answer Life advice for those who come to me with such requests.