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Diversity in Classrooms


What comes to mind when you think about a classroom? Is it the size of the class? The curriculum the students are learning? Or how about how long a student sits in class without a form of movement to engage their mind?

All of these are great things to think about. But does the thought of how diverse the classroom is a thought in your mind? 

21st-century classrooms have become much more diverse since the start of education. Teachers must be able to create a classroom setting where all students are welcomed and supported. But this doesn't always happen. I watched recently a TED video where young high school speaker, Elijah Jones speaks out about how his private school in Delaware is not as diverse as he would like it to be. He mentions how in his Biology class, he is the only African American, and in his Math class, he is one of two male African Americans. He also mentions how so far, he has had no teachers of color. Elijah continues to explain how his previous school had a population of 98% African American. 

Although we may not see it, diversity happens everywhere and sometimes comes as a shock to many people when they see it. Diversity also doesn't happen to the different cultures, as E'Ula Green explains what happened to her when she moved from Sierra Leonne, Africa to Oklahoma. Where her sister's name was made fun of because it was different from others. Nor does it happen to just the different income structures like Elijah's Delaware schools. Sometimes we see diversity through different levels of intelligence as well. 

In a classroom, it is the teacher's job to make a student feel safe. It is their job to make sure they are involved in the class and engaged in the class. However, I can sit here and tell you personally that I have witnessed where these students are not at all involved in the classroom. I have witnessed firsthand a teacher create a test for students, but in no way make an effort to create it in a way that involves all individuals. I have sat there and seen the pain and struggles these students go through to fill out a test that doesn't challenge their potential. Although there are plenty of teachers who acknowledge these students' differences and their commonalities.

Diversity is something that happens frequently and in almost every community. In order to learn from it, we have to see it. Elijah Jones said it perfectly, "America is changing". Hopefully, one day in the future we can all see a time when diversity no longer exists and classrooms are a safe, fun, and secure place to be for all students.


Richards, H. V., Brown, A. F., & Ford, T. B. (2006). Addressing diversity in schools: culturAlly responsive pedAgogy. National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems.

TEDx Talks. (2019). How to Go Beyond Diversity and Inclusion to Community and Belonging | E’Ula Green | TEDxOU [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

TEDxYouth. (2017, May 3). Diverse Education for a student in the Education System | Elijah Jones | TEDxYouth@Wilmington - YouTube.
